Exam Alert Plus
Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research
Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research

JNCASR Bangalore: Admission, Ranking, Fees, Courses

Bhubaneswar, Karnataka

M.S. Engineering in Mathematical Methods

Quick Facts

Course LevelPostgraduate
Duration2 year
Details & Particulars *
Tuition Fees (Total)INR 31,000
Eligibility Criteria

50 %

Applicant should also have qualified in either the GATE/JEST/GPAT or UGC or CSIR - NET-JRF/ ICMR - JRF / DBT-JRF/ INSPIRE-JRF.

* Disclaimer - "Although IE Education makes every effort to ensure accuracy, we cannot guarantee the completeness or reliability of all data. The information mentioned here is compiled from multiple sources and taken from previous years."