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Indian Certificate of Secondary Education Class 10
Indian Certificate of Secondary Education Class 10

ICSE Class 10 Preparation 2025: Check Preparation Tips & Prescribed Books

ICSE 10th Exam 2025: Students appearing for the ICSE board exams are advised to prepare for the exams to score well. They can take a look at some of the preparation tips and books to ace the board exam.
ICSE Class 10 Preparation 2025

ICSE Class 10 Preparation 2025

ICSE Class 10 Preparation 2025: The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE) released the ICSE Class 10 exam date 2024-25 on November 25, 2024, on its official website. As per the given dates, this year, the annual board exams for class 10 students are scheduled to be held from February 18 to March 27, 2025. The board exam requires comprehensive preparation of all subjects. Hence, an early start of preparation is required from candidates in order to ace the examination with good scores.

The CISCE board officials also released the list of prescribed books for the ICSE class 10 exams 2025 on its website. The official PDF contains a list of subject-wise books. Students can download the official notification from the website - cisce.org or from the direct link provided in this article. 

Also Read:

ICSE Class 10 Syllabus 2025 ICSE Class 10 Exam Pattern 2025

ICSE Class 10th Exam 2025 - Preparation Tips 

Students can check some of the important preparation tips below to score well in their ICSE 10th exams 2025:

  • Know the Syllabus - The ICSE class 10 board exam syllabus and exam format must be well understood by students. Knowing the exam format will assist you in creating a study plan and developing a strategy.
  • Formulate a Study Plan - For each topic, divide the time until the examinations into equal parts. Give enough time to those subjects that are difficult or need more attention. Stick to your timetable and avoid procrastination. Make sure that you follow your schedule daily.
  • Understand Key Concepts - You must possess a solid comprehension of important topics in order to succeed in the ICSE Class 10 board exam.
  • Practise Previous Year's Question Papers - Solving past year’s question papers will help you get familiar with the ICSE 10th exam pattern, important questions, and time management. 
  • Self-Prepared Notes - Develop the practise of taking brief notes while you study for the exam. This will make it easier for you to revise the subject or any other challenging topics in the last days of preparation. Making brief notes is also advised because it enables students to retain the knowledge more thoroughly for a longer period of time.
  • Consistent Revision - The secret to acing the exam with good scores is consistent subject-wise revision. Candidates who revise are better able to retain difficult topics and related concepts. Overall, regular revision improves the candidate's preparation.

ICSE 10th Board Exam 2025 Prescribed Books - Download PDF

ICSE Class 10th Books 2025: How to check

Students can check the list of the books prescribed by the CISCE board for ICSE class 10 exams 2025 from the official website. Check the image below. 

ICSE Class 10th Books 2025: How to check

Step 1: Go to the official website of CISCE - cisce.org

Step 2: Click on the 'Examinations' tab and then select 'ICSE Examination' from the drop-down menu

Step 3: A new page will appear on the screen 

Step 4: Look for 'Appendix I - List of Prescribed Books' available

Step 5: The list of prescribed books for ICSE 10th exams 2025 will be displayed in the form of a PDF

Step 6: Go through the books mentioned and download it for future use

ICSE Class 10 Exam 2025 - List of Prescribed Books

ICSE class 10th books are the first source of the CISCE Class 10th exam preparation. Students can check subject-wise important books prescribed by the CISCE board in the details below. 




PAPER 1. Language - No specific book is being recommended for background reading.

PAPER 2. Literature in English: Prescribed Texts

DRAMA: Julius Caesar: William Shakespeare (Acts III, IV & V)

Short Stories & Poems (Evergreen Publications (India) Ltd. New Delhi). 


PROSE (Short Stories): All short stories to be studied - 

1. With the Photographer – Stephen Leacock
2. The Elevator – William Sleator
3. The Girl Who Can – Ama Ata Aidoo
4. The Pedestrian – Ray Bradbury
5. The Last Lesson – Alphonse Daudet

POETRY: All Poems to be studied.
1. Haunted Houses – H.W. Longfellow
2. The Glove and the Lions – Leigh Hunt
3. When Great Trees fall – Maya Angelou
4. A Considerable Speck – Robert Frost
5. The Power of Music – Sukumar Ray


AO NAGA (42):
(Only two of the following books are to be
(i) Mejen O 2nd edition
(An Anthology of Poems and Short Stories
by Contemporary Ao writers, JMS
(ii) Khristan Aeni Aoba 2nd edition.
 (A translation of John Bunyan’s
‘The Pilgrim’s Progress’, ABAM
(iii)Akumlir Wadang by L. Imti Aier.

(Only two of the following books are to be
(i) Karengar Ligiri (Drama): by Jyoti Prasad
Agarwala, Pub: Bimal Kumar Hazarika, Secretary, Publication Board Assam,
Guwahati - 781021.
(ii) Saudor Puteke Naau Meli Jai (Novel): by
Homen Buragohain, Pub: Ajay Kumar
Dutta, Students’ Stores, College Hostel Road, Guwahati – 781001.
(iii)Kabita Manjuri (a collection of poems),
Pub: Pratima Prakashan, Guwahati -781022.
(iv) Asomiya Chuti Galpar Prabah (a collection of short stories), Pub: Secretary, Publication Department, Guwahati University,
Guwahati - 781014.


(Only two of the following books are to be

Sonkolita: A collection ofICSE Short Stories & Poems (Power Publishers, Kolkata)
(i) Short Stories: (All short stories to be
1. Ginni - Rabindranath Tagore
2. Lalu - Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay
3. Bama - Bibhutibhushan
4. Canvasser - Banaphool
5. Naam - Narendranath Mitra
6. Asohojogee - Manik Bandyopadhyay
7. Debotar Jonmo- Shibram Chakraborty
8. Neel Manusher Kahini - Sunil
9. Gandhota Khub Sandehojanak -
Shirshendu Mukhopadhyay
10. Lokti - Humayun Ahmed

(ii) Poems: (All poems to be studied)
1. Bangabhumir prati - Madhusudan
2. Shobhotar prati- Rabindranath Tagore
3. Kuli-Mojur – Kazi Nazrul Islam
4. Aabar Asibo Phire - Jibananda Das
5. Siri - Sukanta Bhattacharya
6. Rabindranather Prati - Buddhadeb
7. Phul Futuk Na Futuk -Subhash
8. Amalkanti - Nirendranath Chakraborty
9. Babu Bolen - Sankha Ghosh
10. Kho-Kho - Amitabha Dasgupta
(iii)Novel: Chander Pahar - Bibhutibhushan
(iv) Drama: Jambo - Mohit Chattopadhyay

(Only two of the following books are to be
(i) Gyalse Laglen – Prose (Reader VIII)
(ii) Legshed Langdor Shenjed Proverbs
(iii) Biography of Ashi Nangse

GARO (40):
(ONLY two of the following books are to be
(i) Kadimgimin Seanirang Bak II: Compiled
by Lindrid D. Shira
Only the following selection is to be studied:
1. A Chikrangni Nokma Songa –Llwellyn
R. Marak
2. Nokpante – Brucellina G Momin
3. Balpakram - Llwellyn R. Marak
4. David Livingstone – Tojing S Sangma
5. Sepoy Mutiny ong gniko Jumang
Niksoa – Vinthon M. Momin
6. Rev. Thangkan K. Sangma – Lindrid D.
7. Changsao Dakgrikram A.bao Krismas
Salo – Mackenson Rongmuthu
8. Garo Hills Damgipin A.gisi –
Rev. Gilbert K Marak
9. Ahaia Ba Medong Ra.ona – Aldrich
Ch. Marak
10. Chengoni A chik Kattarang –
Dewansing Rongmuthu
11. Jakgitel Bil Aro Miksongani – Keneth
M. Momin
12. Turani Chatro chatrirangni
Bajengdeba Ramako Re.ani Bewal – by
Wilson K Marak
13. A song De.a – Aldrich Ch. Momin
14. Kangalni Dal Gipa Mande ong.ani –
Lindrid D. Shira
15. Indiani Jakgitelanina Krenggiparangni
Pegipa – Icylian R. Marak

Poetry – Chason Gital A.Chik Poetryrang
– Compiled by Keneth M. Momin
Only the following selection is to be studied:
1. Ma.ani Ka.saa - H. B. Sangma
2. Bidan Chimik - S. S. Marak
3. A. Songtagna Sintea - S. S. Sangma
4. Katta Pagitcham Niam Songittcham -
D. S. Rongmuthu
5. O Sia - J. Rongmuthu
6. Ka.saa - Keneth Momin
7. Ritimkari - B. S. Sangma
8. Cha.asia - B. S. Bangshall
9. Saljong Tasin Me chik - M. R. Sangma
10. A.gilsak Dal.begipa Alda Nok -
M. Rongmuthu
(iii)Veniceni Badinggipa – (Late) Mackenson

(Only two of the following books are to be
Sahitya Gurjari: A collection of ICSE Short
Stories and Poems (Gurjar Granthratna
Karyalaya, Ahmedabad).
(i) Short Stories: (All short stories to be
1. Khari Maa – Ramanlal Desai
2. Parivartan – Gaurishankar Joshi
3. Sad Vartyo – Zaverchand Meghani
4. Jamunanu Pur – Ramnarayan
Vishwanath Pathak
5. Ladu nu Jaman – Pannalal Patel
6. Anjalpani – Pitambar Patel
7. Maji no pyalo – Gulabdas Broker
8. Sanskarni Shrimantai – Kundanika
9. Dadano Dallo – Ila Arab Mehta
10. Himmat maro dost – Mohammad

(ii) Poems: (All poems to be studied)
1. Vaishnavjan - Narsinh Mehta
2. Jhaghdo Lochan Manno – Kavi
3. Pranam Mara –Ramnarayan Pathak
4. Ae Nishal Ae Savar – Sundarji Betai
5. Chha Rutuo – Umashankar Joshi
6. Banavati Phoolone – Prahlad Parekh
7. Boliye na Kain – Rajendra Shah
8. Gram Mata – Sursingji Gohil “Kalapi”
9. Panchika Ramti’ti – Mukesh Joshi
10. Subhashito
(iii) Novel: Vansano Ankur - Dhiruben Patel
(iv) Ekanki Gurjari: A collection of ICSE One
Act Plays (Gurjar Granthratna Karyalaya,
1. Vruksh – Labhshankar Thakar
2. Kunti ane Karna - Manubhai Pancholi
3. Raja Ladu Sinh – Dr Shiv Shankar
4. Hukum Malik – Chinu Modi
5. Lagnana Umedwar – Jyotindra Dave
6. Deshbhakt Jagdusha – Raman Lal Soni

HINDI (05):
Recommended for background work:
Saras Hindi Vyakaran (Evergreen Publications,
New Delhi)
(Only two of the following books are to be
Sahitya Sagar: A collection of ICSE Short
Stories & Poems (Evergreen Publications, New
Delhi) (Examination Year 2022 onwards.)
(i) Short Stories: (All short stories to be studied)
1. Baat Athanni Ki - Sudarshan
2. Kaki - Siyaram Sharan Gupta
3. Maha Yagya Ka Puruskar – YasYashpal
4. Netaji Ka Chasma - Swayam Prakash
5. Apna Apna Bhagya - Jainendra Kumar
6. Bade Ghar Ki Beti - Premchand
7. Sandeh - Jaishankar Prashad
8. Bheed me Khoya Aadmi - Leeladhar
Sharma Parvatiya
9. Bhede Aur Bhediyen - Hari Shankar
10. Do Kalakar – Mannu Bhandari
(ii) Poems: (All poems to be studied)
1. Sakhi - Kabir Das
2. Girdhar Ki Kundaliyan - Girdhar Kavi
3. Swarg Bana Sakte Hai - Ramdhari
Singh Dinkar
4. Wah Janmabhumi Meri - Sohanlal
5. Megh Aaye - Sarveshwar Dayal Saxena
6. Sur Ke Pad - Surdas
7. Vinay Ke Pad - Tulsidas
8. Bhichhuk - Surya Kant Tripathi ‘Nirala’
9. Chalna Hamara Kam Hai - Shivmangal
Singh ‘Suman’
10. Matri Mandir Ki Or - Subhadra Kumari
(iii) Novel: Naya Raasta - Sushma Agarwal
(v) Ekanki Sanchay: A collection of ICSE One
Act Plays (Evergreen Publications, New
1. Sanskar Aur Bhavna - Vishu
2. Bahu Ki Vida - Vinod Rastogi
3. Matri Bhoomi Ka Man - Hari Krishna
4. Sukhi Dali - Upendra Nath “Ashka”
5. Mahabharat Ki Ek Sanjh - Bharat
Bhushan Agrawal
6. Deepdan - Ram Kumar Verma

8. KANNADA (06):
(Only two of the following books are to be
Sahitya Sangama: A collection of ICSE Short Stories & Poems (Navakarnataka Publications,
(i) Short Stories: (All short stories to be
1. Shivabhutiya Kathe - Panchatantra
2. Deepavali Mahime - Janapada
3. Thalmege Olida Adrushta - N.
4. Tuchip, Tudand, Tubad -Ready -
5. Garuadagambada Dasaiah – Goruru
Ramaswamy Iyengar
6. Stainless Steel Patregalu -
7. Kalavida - TA. RA. Subha Rao
8. Tollu Gatti - Kailasam
9. Kathegaara Manjanna – Kuvempu
10. Sevaashramada Linganna - Belagere
Krishna Shastri
(ii) Poems: (All poems to be studied)
1. Vachanagalu - Basavanna &
2. Bakasurana Vadhe - Kumaravyasa
3. Tirukana Kanasu - Muppina
4. Garathiya Hadugalu - Janapada
5. Negila Yogi - Kuvempu
6. Aaru Hitavaru Ninage – Purandara
7. Vashistha Vishwamitra Vivada -
8. Keladi Arasara Kathe - Lavani
9. Mankuthimmana Kagga - D.V.
10. Mithile - S.R. Yekkundi
(iii) Novel: Natya Mayuri - Shri Sa. Shi.
(iv) Drama: Hoovi - H.S. Venkatesh Murthy

9. KHASI (07):
(Only two of the following books are to be
(i) U Khain Bad Ka Bgen: by B.Chedrack
(ii) Ha Ki Sngi U Syiem: by Dewi Singh
Only the following selection is to be studied:
1. U Phareng ha Lawkyntang
2. U Ksew, Ka Miaw bad u Tuta
3. U Sier Laplang bad u Shken
4. Ka Syiem Skei bad ki Hynniew
5. Ki Nongap masi u Syiem ha Sor
6. U khun ka Nangdie phlang
(iii)Na Mihngi Sepngi: by Rev. H. Elias
Only the following selection is to be studied:
1. Ka Thma Hidarpes
2. U Mahajon Ka Benis
3. Ka Khein-Kur Khein-kha
4. I Mei
5. Ka Shong jong ka Jingphohsniew
6. La Ka Lynti
(iv)Sawdong Ka Lyngwiar Dpei: by
U. Primrose Gatphoh
Only the following selection is to be studied:
1. Ki Paro Ksiar
2. U Aadak bad la ki Lok
3. Ka Lukhimai

10. LEPCHA (20):
Recommended for background work:
A Lepcha Grammar and Composition for
Classes IX and X.
(Only two of the following books are to be
(i) Chhukpryom Pundor: Treasure of Prose, a
Lepcha textbook for Classes IX and X.
(ii) Chhukdong Pundor: Treasure of Poems, a
Lepcha textbook for Classes IX and X.
(iii)Sung Norzot: Treasure of Stories, a Lepcha
Rapid Reader for Classes IX and X.

11. MALAYALAM (08):
(Only two of the following books are to be
Sahitya Surabhi: A collection of ICSE
Short Stories & Poems (D.C. Books, Kottayam)
(i) Short Stories: (All short stories to be
1. Manikkan -Lalithambika Antherjanam
2. Uthuppante Kinar- Karoor Neelakanta
3. Neypayasam - Madhavikutty
4. Kattilekku Pokalle Kunje -
Shehabudeen Poithumkadavu
5. Prakasham Parathunna Oru PenkuttyT. Padmanabhan
6. Janmadinam - Vaikom Muhammad
7. Thahaseeldarude Achan -Thakazhy
Sivasankara Pillai
8. KaliyaMardanam - Kakkanadan
9. Model - Ponkunnam Varkey
10. Petta Vayar - C V Balakrishnan

(ii) Poems: (All poems to be studied)
1. Lekshmanopadesham - Ezhuthachan
2. Puthen kalavum Arivaalum - Edassery
Govindan Nair
3. Karnabhushanam (1- 110 lines) -
Ulloor S. Parameswara Iyer
4. Karma Bhoomiyude Pinchukaal -
5. Bhoomikkoru Charama geetamO N V Kuruppu
6. Manikya Veena - Vennikkulam
7. Vinda Kaaladikal - P Bhaskaran
8. Tachente Makal - Vijaya Lekshmi
9. Priyathame Prabhatame - K Ayyappa
10. Manaswani – Chagampuzha
 (iii) Novel: Mayyazhippuzhayude Theerangalil
- M Mukundan
 (iv) Drama: Saketham - C N Sreekantan Nair

12. MARATHI (09):
(Only two of the following books are to be
(i) Kathakunj (Katha Sankalan – Short
Stories) Pub: Saraswati House Pvt. Ltd.,
Daryaganj, New Delhi 110 002.
(ii) Kavyangan (Kavya Sankalan – Poetry)
Pub: Saraswati House Pvt. Ltd.,
Daryaganj, New Delhi 110 002.
(iii) Karunastak (Kadambari - Novel) Pub:
Saraswati House Pvt. Ltd., Daryaganj,
New Delhi 110 002.
(iv) Rangsparsh (Ekankika Sankalan). Pub:
Saraswati House Pvt. Ltd., Daryaganj,
New Delhi 110 002.

13. MANIPURI (18):
(Only two of the following books are to be
(i) Lamjing Lairik (Meetei Mayek Primer
Classes IX & X).
(ii) Manipuri Sahitya Nachom (Meetei Mayek
or Roman Script Classes IX & X)
(iii)Manipuri Tengbang Sahitya (Meetei
Mayek or Roman Script Classes IX & X)
(iv)Anouba Manipuri Grammar (Meetei
Mayek or Roman Script Classes IX & X)
(All the above books are published by the
Board of Secondary Education, Manipur)

14. MIZO (17):
Recommended for background work.
Mizo Grammar & Composition Part II by
F. Lianhmingthanga and Lalthianghlima
(Hauhlira Press, Saron Veng, Aizawl).
The following two books will be studied as per
prescribed lessons:
(i) For Class IX –
1. Mizo – 9 by MBSE (revised)
2. Irrawady Luikamah by James
Dokhuma (Rapid Reader)
(ii) For Class X -
1. Mizo – 9 by MBSE (revised)
2. Khawnglung Run by R. Lalrewna
(Rapid Reader)

15. NEPALI (10):
(Only two of the following books are to be
Sahitya Kunj: A collection of Short Stories &
Poems (Gamma Publication, Darjeeling)
(i) Short Stories: (All short stories to be
1. Aunthi- Achha Rai Rashik
2. Chaprasi - Indrabhahadur Rai
3. Taar Chudieko Saarangi - Jasyonzon
4. Mrituko Mukhenji - Parsuram Roka
5. Sangat - Badrinarayan Pradhan
6. Jeodolash - Matilda Rai
7. Maachako Mol - Sivkumar Rai
8. Jyotibinako Ujyalo - Sanu Lama
9. Gariman - Indra Sundas
10. Jiwan Yatra – M.M. Gurung

(ii) Poems: (All poems to be studied)
1. Mritukamana Kehi Mera - Agamsing
2. Man - Girmi Sherpa
3. Bolee - Tekdhoj Jimba
4. Natra Barbad Bhayo - Dharnidhar
5. Laxya - Parashmani Pradhan
6. Karma - Balkrishna Sam
7. Ram-Bharat Sambat - Bhanubhaktta
8 Kaal Mahimaa - Lekhnath Paudyal
9. Madan Bhotbat Pharkada -
Laxmiprasad Deokota
10. Utsarga - Lakhi Devi Sundas
(iii)Novel: Bhrammer - Rupnarayan Sinha
(iv) Ekanki Kunj: A collection of ICSE One Act
Plays (Gamma Publication, Darjeeling)
1. Biyog - Manbahadur Mukhia
2. Tika - Mohan - Pukar
3. Ma Bhat Khanna - Ramlal Adhikari
4. Maag - Leela
5. Saahinu - Sanu Bhai Sharma
6. Shringkhala Bandane Chhanharu -
Laxman Shreemal

16. ODIA (11):
(Only two of the following books are to be
 Gyananjali: A collection of Short Stories &
Poems (Friends Publishers, Cuttack)
(i) Short Stories: (All short stories to be
1. Dhulia Baba - Fakir Mohan Senapati
2. Bhadraloka - Prativa Ray
3. Shikar - . Bhagabati Charan Panigrahi
4. Krupan - Manoj Das
5. Mukhagni - Laxmi Chand
6. Nayanpur Express - Surendra Mohanty
7. Dimiri Phula- Akhila Mohan Pattnaik
8. Samantara Saralarekha- Bibhuti
9. Neela Mastarani - Godabarish
10. Anguthi - Sachidananda Rautray
(ii) Poems: (All poems to be studied)
1. Gandharira Ashirwad -Kalindi Charan
2. Kalijai - Godabarish Mishra
3. Mahima - Gangadhar Meher
4. Banaphula Udyana Kusuma - Kuntala
Kumari Sabat
5. Garibara Durgastaba - Godabarish
6. Jagate Kebala- Kabisurya Baladev
7. Grampatha-Binod Chandra Kayak
8. Mani Kanchan Joga- Radhamohan
9. Bandira Biraha Byatha - Utkalmani
Gopabandhu Das
10. Khadyotika - Bidyutprava Devi
(iii) Novel: Aadoora Sakala - Prashant
(iv) Ekakinka Chayan: A collection of ICSE
One Act Plays (Friends Publishers, Cuttack)
1. Petu - Pranabandhu Kar
2. Rani Shukadei- Manoranjan Das
3. Bagha Shikar - Ranjit Pattnaik
4. Konark - Bhanja Kishore Pattnaik
5. Aahuti - Kartik Chandra Rath
6. Ei Pataka Tale - Kulamani Mohapatra

17. PUNJABI (12):
Recommended grammar book in Punjabi
Shiromani Punjabi Vyakaran Ate Rachanawali
(Pub. Ved Prakash & Sons, Sai Hiran Gate,
Jalandhar City – 114 008)
(Only two of the following books are to be
Kav – Katha Samvedna: A collection of Short
Stories & Poems (Evergreen Publications, New
(i) Short Stories: (All short stories to be
1. Pahuta Pandhi - Gurbax Singh
2. Bhatta - Sant Singh Sekhon
3. Zeenat Appa - Kartar Singh Duggal
4. Dharti Hethla Balad - Kulwant Singh
5. Sanjhi Kandh - Santokh Singh Dheer
6. Saggi Phul - Gurdial Singh
7. Rub Te Ruttan - Dr. Dalip Kaur Tiwana
8. Baki Sab Sukh Saand Hai - Mohan
9. Chandova - Kartar Singh Suri
10. Saheed - K.L. Garg

(ii) Poems: (All poems to be studied)
1. Sama - Bhai Veer Singh
2. Maa Da Dil - Firoz Din Sharaf
3. Mele Vich Jatt - Dhani Ram Chatrak
4. Chhatto Di Beri - Prof. Mohan Singh
5. Aaj Akhan Waris Shah Nu - Amrita
6. Jionde Bhagwan - Nand Lal Noorpuri
7. Rukh - Shiv Kumar Batalvi
8. Mera Bachpan - Harbhajan Singh
9. Nike Vade Dar- Jagtar
10. Hanera Jarega Kiven - Surjit Patar

(iii)Novel: Pataal De Githmuthiye - Jasbir
(iv) Manch Mehak: A collection of ICSE One
Act Plays (Evergreen Publications, New
1. Suhag - I.C. Nanda
2. Dr. Palta - Balwant Gargi
3. Dushman - Gurcharan Singh Jasuja
4. Parat Auan Tak- Satish Verma
5. Phullan Nu Kitaban Vich Na Rakho -
Pali Bhupinder

18. SANSKRIT (19): The following books are to be studied:
(i) Sanskrit Vani Book 4 (for Class IX) by H.D.
Vijayshri and Mrs. S. Bolar, Pub: Orient
(ii) Sanskrit Vani Book 5 (for Class X) by H.D.
Vijayshri and Mrs. S. Bolar, Pub: Orient

19. TAMIL (13)
 (Only two of the following books are to be
(i) Rajaraja Cholan (Drama) (by
R. Ramanathan – Pub. Prema Parasuram)
(ii) Veerapandiya Kattabhomman (Novel)
(by K. Jeeva Bharathi – Pub. Kumaran
(iii)Charitra Sambavangal (Historical Essays)
(by “Vaandumama” V. Krishnamoorthy,
Pub. Gangai Puthaka Nilayam)

20. TANGKHUL (47)
(Only two of the following books are to be
(i) Tangkhul Tuitam Kachiko
(Prose & Poetry), Class IX published by
Luitham Press, Ukhrul (2006).
(ii) Tangkhul Tuitam Kathara
(Prose & Poetry), Class X published by
Luitham Press, Ukhrul (2006).
(iii) Kathaka Tangkhul Tuitam, Classes IX and
X published by Luitham Press, Ukhrul

21. TELEGU (14)
(Only two of the following books are to be
Padya, Gadya Kadambamu- A collection of
ICSE Short Stories and Poems (S.R. Book
Links, Vijaywada)
(i) Poems: (All poems to be studied)
1. Vidura Neethi- Tikkana Somayaji
2. Sneha Dharmam - Bammera Pothana
3. Atidhi Sevanamu - Sri Krishna
4. Paarijatha Prasoonamu - Nandi
5. Hithopadesamu - Atukuri Molla
6. Sathaka Manjari - Narasima Sathakam
by Seshappa Kavi (26, 38, 39, 54
poems) & Sri Kalahasthiswara
Sathakam by Dhurjati (12,13,27,28
7. Krushivaludu - Duvvuri Ramireddy
8. Manavathvam - Nandur
9. Mathru Mandiram - Devulapalli
Krishna Shastri
10. Nenantanu - Dasarathi
(ii) Short Stories: (All short stories to be
1. Indra Dyumuni Samudra Prayaanam -
Madhira Subbanna Deekshitulu
2. Seethaanveshana - Padala Ramarao
3. Taapi Mesthri - Shri Paada
Subramanya Sastri
4. Appudu Putti Vunte - Devulapalli
Krishna Sastry
5. Oka Cheema Katha - Dr. Raavuri
6. Swatantrodyama
NepadhyamuloPrabhodha Geetalu -
Raavi Bharathi
7. Ugaduloo, UshassulooMadhuranthakam Rajara
8. Bhasha Saili- Rachana Bedhalu -
Chekuri Ramarao
9. Riktha Hasthamulu - Vidya
Prakasananda Giri Swamy
10. Samskruti - Acharya Khandavalli
Lakshmi Ranjanam
(iii)Novel: Ganapathi - Chilakamarthi
Lakshmi Narasimham.
(iv) Drama: Vishnu Sharma English Chaduvu
- C.S. Rao

22. TENYIDIE (41):
(Only two of the following books are to be
(i) Neteya
(ii) Noudo Dze: by Dino and Viswedel
(iii)Uca –53: by Shurhozelie

23. URDU (16)
(Only two of the following books are to be
Lazawal Muraqqe - A collection of ICSE Short
Stories and Poems / Ghazals (Huda
Publications, Hyderabad)
(i) Short Stories: (All short stories to be studied)
1. Ibadat - Munshi Prem Chand
2. Bhola - Rajendar Singh Bedi
3. Bachpan - Ismath Choghtai
4. Pital Ka Ghanta - Qazi Abdul Sattar
5. Manzoor - Saadat Hasan Manto
6. Allah De Banda Le - Razia Sajjad
7. Aakhri Qadam - Dr. Zakir Hussain
8. Khadar Ka Kafan - Khaja Amed Abbas
9. Addu - Jeelani Bano
10. Ek Aur Shrawan Kumar - Salam Bin
(ii) Poetry: Poems and Ghazals (All poems
/ghazals to be studied).
1. Piya Baaj Piala Piya Jaye na (Ghazal)
- Mohd Quli Qutub Shah
2. Faqeerana Ayee Sada Kar Chaley
(Ghazal) - Mir Taqi Mir
3. Dard Minnat Kashey Dawa Na Huwa
(Ghazal) - Mirza Ghalib
4. Phir Chedi Raat Baat Phooloon Ki
(Ghazal) - Makhdoom Mohiuddin
5. Justujoo Jis Ki Thi…(Ghazal) -
Sher e Yaar
6. Who To Khushboo Hai…(Ghazal) -
Parveen Shakir
7. Kaljugh (Poem) - Nazeer Akbar Aabadi
8. Chand Aur Tare (Poem) - Sir Mohd
9. Aawo Ke Koyi Khawaab Bunien
(Poem) - Sahil Ludhiyanvi
10. Aurat (Poem) - Kaife Azmi
(iii)Novel: Taubat-Un-Nusuh (also known as
Nusuh Ka Khawaab) - Nazeer Ahamed
(iv) Drama: Darwaze Khol Do - Krishan Chander


1. FRENCH (27)
Teaching and study resource books:
(i) Ado - published by CLE International
(ii) Bravo - Published by Hatier Didier
(iii)Entre Jeunes - published by CBSE

2. GERMAN (28)
Teaching and study resource books:
(i) For Class IX Planet 1 (Text book and Work
(ii) For Class X Planet 2 (Text book and Work
book)(Published by Langers in India under license from Hueber Verlag)

3. SPANISH (36)
Teaching and study resource books:
(i) Espanol Sin Fronteras Bk 2
(ii) Workbook Nuevo Ven Bk 2
(iii)Pasaporte Bk 2
For recommended books visit www.goyalsaab.com; e-mail:goyal@vsnl.com


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is ICSE full form?

The ICSE stands for the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education.

How to cover ICSE Class 10 syllabus?

ICSE Class 10 syllabus can be best covered from school textbooks. Read and understand each topic in depth to ace the exam.

Is practising the previous year question paper important for ICSE Class 10 preparation?

Yes, practising the previous year question papers is very important to comprehensively prepare for the ICSE 10th exam 2023. Students are advised to practise as many as the previous year question papers, sample papers, and model papers.

How can I download ICSE Class 10 sample papers?

ICSE Class 10 sample papers are released by CISCE. Students can download them through the official website.

How can I revise the syllabus for ICSE 10th board exam 2025?

One must make their own, brief notes in order to effectively revise the syllabus. These concise notes can help students revise effectively and efficiently before the exam.

From where can i download the list of prescribed books for ICSE class 10 preparation 2025?

Students need to visit the official website of CISCE - cisce.org to download the official notification regarding the list of ICSE class 10 prescribed books. 

10th Study Material
