WBJEE Result 2024: West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination (WBJEE) Result 2024 will be announced soon. The West Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Board (WBJEEB) will release the scorecard tentatively in the last week of May 2024.
The board had conducted the WBJEE examination on April 28, 2024. The WBJEE provisional answer key was released on May 7, 2024 by the board. The Answer key Challenge window was open with the release of the answer key and the last day to challenge the answer key was May 9, 2024. The WBJEEB board will also release the final answer key along with the result.
WBJEE Result 2024: How to check the scorecard?
The WBJEE Result will be available on the official website of the board. Candidates who appeared for the exam can check the result by following the steps below.
Step 1: Go to the official website – wbjeeb.nic.in.

Step 2: Find the Examination tab on the homepage of the official website.
Step 3: Click on the WBJEE tab in the examination tab.
Step 4: Look for the link for the WBJEE Result 2024 under Candidate Activity Board Section.
Step 5: Login with your application number and password.
Step 6: Save and print for future use.
WBJEE Result 2024: What is GMR and PMR?
WBJEEB releases the WBJEE Result containing both scores obtained and rank obtained. The merit list is prepared on the basis of rank obtained by the candidates. Depending on the subjects appeared by the candidates two types of merit list is prepared – GMR and PMR. These merit lists are not published publicly but each student can see his/her rank on the scorecard.
1. General Merit Rank (GMR)
General Merit Rank (GMR) is prepared on the basis of the total scores of both Paper 1 and Paper 2. For reserve categories, separate merit ranks are also prepared but the counselling, seat allotment and admission process are done with the overall General Merit Rank. The reserve category rank is only informative in nature.
2. Pharmacy Merit Rank (PMR)
Pharmacy Merit Rank (PMR) is prepared on the basis of only Paper 2, that is, only Physics and Chemistry. Admission to all the pharmacy courses except Jadavpur University, is done on the basis of PMR. In PMR also, reserve category rank list is prepared for informative purposes only.
Note: The Jadavpur University Admission for all engineering, technology, architecture and pharmacy courses are based on GMR only.
WBJEE Result 2024: Tie-breaking rule
If two or more candidates score the same scores in the WBJEE exam 2024, the conducting body follows the tie-breaking rule mentioned in the official information bulletin. Candidates can check the rules on the official website of the board.
WBJEE Result 2024: Cutoff and Counselling
With the declaration of WBJEE Result 2024, the conducting board will release the WBJEE cutoff 2024 list category-wise, course-wise, and college-wise. The cutoff list is prepared on the basis of the number of students who appeared, seat availability and difficulty level of the exam.
Candidates who clear the WBJEE 2024 will be qualified for the WBJEE counselling. The counselling process is conducted in three rounds. WBJEE will soon start with a choice-filling and choice-locking process on its official website.