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JEE Main Mock Test 2024: Attempt the Official Mock Test by NTA

Download and Practise JEE Main 2024 mock tests at nta.ac.in/Quiz. Also, check JEE Main 2024 preparation tips.

Download JEE Main 2024 Mock Tests
Download and Practice JEE Main 2024 Mock Tests at nta.ac.in/Quiz

JEE Main Mock Test 2024: The National Testing Agency or NTA has released the official mock test for JEE Main 2024 aspirants. Candidates can log on to the NTA website nta.ac.in/Quiz to attempt the mock exam. Mock tests are an important part of any exam preparation.

By attempting such tests, aspirants get more familiar with the exam patterns and gain confidence to appear for the real test. Since JEE Main is among the most sought-after entrance examinations in the country, the competition is expected to be very tough. 

JEE Main exam dates 2024 for session 1 are scheduled between January 24, 2024, to February 1, 2024. It is advisable to take the official NTA mock test for more accuracy and practice. 

JEE Main Mock Test 2024: Steps to Access the NTA Test

Registered JEE Main candidates can access the NTA mock test at nta.ac.in/Quiz. Follow the steps given below to get a clear idea of how to take the mock test:

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Step 1: Visit the nta.ac.in/Quiz page

Step 2: Select JEE-Main as your exam on the first scroll down menu

Step 3: Choose the paper you wish to take in the second scroll down menu

Step 4: The mock test will then open on your computer screen

Step 5: Read the instructions carefully and begin your mock test

JEE Main Mock Test 2024: Why is it important?

Often JEE aspirants end up being stressed when the date of the exam comes close. Cramming and studying out of stress is a common practice among the students. This is where the mock tests come into play. Have a look at some of the advantages of attempting mock exams for JEE Main 2024:

  • A mock test follows the same structure as the actual exam. Therefore, attempting a mock test prepared the candidate for the real exam day.
  • Candidates can get an idea of the type of questions they might be asked in the exam
  • Mock test helps the candidate build confidence to answer the questions
  • Candidates can find out their mistakes and work more on them 
  • Solving a mock test helps in understanding the important topics rather than cramming up the whole book

JEE Main Mock Test 2024: Institutes offering mock test

The official NTA mock test is very important for every aspirant. However, if the candidates wish to practise and attempt more mock tests, various coaching institutes are also offering free and paid mock tests for JEE Main 2024. 

JEE Main Preparation 2024

While mock tests are there to help you judge your performance, you must also keep in mind some important preparation tips for JEE Main 2024. 

  • Prepare a time-table according to your studying capacity. This means that you should be more realistic about how much time you can give to your studies.
  • Only set goals which you can achieve. Prepare a strategy which makes you comfortable in studying and does not make you feel pressured.
  • Solve previous years’ test papers. While mock tests will give you an idea about the upcoming exam, previous years’ papers will help you understand the pattern of questions. 
  • Revise what you have studied every day. Regular revision sessions will help you retain whatever you learn.
  • Keep a light and positive attitude towards the exams. Do not keep a “what if” attitude and feel pressured. 


Where can I find the NTA mock test for JEE Main 2024?

The JEE Main Mock test 2024 created by NTA is available on the official website nta.ac.in/Quiz.

Is the NTA mock test free of cost?

Yes, the NTA mock test for JEE Main is completely free. Candidates can access it without any additional charges.

Which other mock tests are available for JEE Main 2024?

Many institutions including FIITJEE, Allen, Aakash, BYJU’s, and Shiksha have prepared JEE mock exams. Aspirants can find these tests on the official websites of the respective institutions.

Why is a mock test important?

A mock test helps the aspirant to get an idea of the real exam. Every mock test follows the official exam pattern. This helps the candidate be prepared for what they may face in the real exam. 

Will I get an immediate result after taking the mock test?

Yes, mock tests give you the result as soon as you press submit. 

When should I start attempting the mock tests?

The ideal time to begin with the mock tests is at least a month before the date of the examination. For the January attempt, candidates should start their mocks by December. 

Do I need my admit card to take the mock test?

No, the admit card is not needed for the mock test. Candidates simply have to visit the NTA website and navigate to the mock test page. 

What if I score less in my mock test?

The mock exam score is to analyse your preparation and performance. Therefore, if you score less than what you expected in your mock, you will find out the areas you need to improve in.