IBPS RRB PO, Clerk Result 2024 – The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection released the results for the IBPS RRB PO exam on its official website. The RRB result announced for Officer Scale 1 at ibps.in. Candidates who appeared for the IBPS RRB PO exam can check their results using the registration number and password.
IBPS RRB PO Result 2024 | IBPS RRB Clerk Result 2024 |
IBPS RRB PO Result 2024
The result for the IBPS RRB PO exam has been released on September 4, 2024. As per the official calendar, the mains exam will be conducted on September 29, 2024. Hence, candidates can expect the prelims result to be announced at least 20 days before the scheduled mains exam date.
IBPS RRB Clerk Result 2024
The IBPS RRB Clerk Exam was conducted on August 10, 17, and 18, 2024. Aspirants who appeared for the RRB Office Assistant exam can check the result at ibps.in, once released. The RRB Clerk result date is yet to be announced by IBPS.
The expected cut off for RRB PO exam will vary for each state and category of the candidate. Some states release high cutoff, while some low depending upon the total number of vacancies available for the position.
The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection can announce the RRB Clerk result soon on the official website. The result date is not yet indicated by the conducting body.
To join as the RRB Clerk requires the proficiency language of the state candidate has preferred for the posting.
The RRB PO mains exam will have 5 sections – Reasoning, Computer Knowledge, General Awareness, English/Hindi Language, Quantitative Aptitude.
Yes, the preliminary examination of RRB PO and Clerk exams is qualifying in nature. In other words, only mains examination score will be taken into consideration for final merit list.
IBPS adopts the tie-breaking policy in case two or more candidates obtain the same final score. As per the tie-breaking criteria, candidates who are older in age are given priority in the merit list.
The reserve list is released after the final result. It includes the names of candidates who are not able to make to the final merit list. However, the provisional allotment is not guaranteed as it is subjected to available vacancies.
No, candiates who wish to be recrutied as Office Assistant (RRB Clerk) will not have to appear for the interview round.
After candidates are selected in the final merit list, their preferred RRB will be provisionally allotted to them. There are several criteria for each participating RRB based on which provisional allotment is offered to selected candidates.
The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection released over 5800 vacancies for the Clerk Position.
IBPS has released a total of 3583 vacancies for the post of Probationary Officer (Assistant Manager) in RRBs.
The mains exam schedule for both the RRB PO and RRB Clerk exam is out on the IBPS website – ibps.in. The RRB PO Mains exam will be conducted on September 29, 2024, while the RRB Clerk Mains is scheduled for October 6, 2024.
The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection is set to release the RRB PO result on its official website, ibps.in. Aspirants who appeared for the exam can expect the RRB PO result to be announced likely in the first or second week of September 2024.
The IBPS RRB PO Cut off 2024 will be announced along with the prelims scorecard. The expected cut off will vary for each stage and category of the candidate.
IBPS RRB PO Mains exam date is September 29, 2024 for candidates who qualify the Officer Scale 1 prelims result. The RRB PO result for preliminary stage is yet to be announced.
The image of the official website of IBPS can be checked by aspirants below:

IBPS RRB PO exam for Mains will be conducted on September 29, 2024. Hence, IBPS will ensure the result is announced at least 20-25 days before the exam date. Therefore, candidates can expect the RRB PO result to be released in the first or second week of September 2024.
The IBPS RRB Clerk Cut off will be released state and category wise for candidates who took the exam. The expected cut off for IBPS RRB Clerk exam can remain around 50-75 depending upon the state and vacancy.
IBPS will directly release the Officer Scale 1 prelims result at ibps.in. The result can be announced anytime soon.
The IBPS RRB Clerk exam was conducted on August 10, 17, and 18, 2024. It is not confirmed yet whether the RRB Clerk result will come along with the PO result or separately. There is no expected date as of now.
IBPS RRB PO result can be checked by following the steps given below:
The result for IBPS RRB PO & Clerk will be announced soon at ibps.in. The conducting body will release the result likely in the first or second week of September 2024.
The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection will release the results for the Office Assistant (Clerk) shortly at ibps.in. The exam was conducted on August 10, 17, and 18, 2024.
The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection is expected to release the RRB PO result soon on its official website, ibps.in.