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GATE Topper List Released by IISc Bangalore; Check subject-wise toppers

GATE Topper List 2024: IISc Bangalore has released the list of All India Rank – 1 candidates on its official website. The institute has also published the GATE marks and GATE scores of the toppers along with the names

GATE Topper List Released by IISc Bangalore
GATE Topper List Released by IISc Bangalore at gate2024.iisc.ac.in

GATE 2024 Topper list:  Indian Institute of Science Bangalore has released the list of toppers for GATE 2024 today, March 18, 2024  in online mode. Candidates who have appeared for the entrance exam can check the complete list on the official website – gate2024.iisc.ac.in 

IISc Bangalore had released the GATE 2024 Result on March 16, 2024. Candidates can check their results by visiting the official website and logging in through their credentials such as application number and password.

The exam conducting authority will also publish the GATE scorecard for candidates who appeared in the exam. As per the official schedule, the GATE scorecard will be available to download from March 23, 2024. The GATE scorecard contains important details such as total marks secured by the candidates, candidate’s rank, and GATE score. 

GATE 2024 Toppers list

Candidates can take a look at the subject-wise GATE 2024 toppers in the table provided below.

 Exam Alert Plus
Test PaperName of the CandidateRaw Marks(out of 100)GATE Score(out of 1000)
Aerospace EngineeringKUNDAN JAISWAL86.33962
Agricultural EngineeringPRATIK SHERKE75.671000
Architecture and PlanningGAJENDER KUMAR SHARMA77981
Biomedical EngineeringSANJEEV C ACHAR54.331000
BiotechnologyAKANKSHA S831000
Civil EngineeringDEEPAK87.33989
Civil EngineeringBHANU PRATAP SINGH87.33989
Chemical EngineeringADARSH RAI73.331000
Computer Science and Information TechnologyPIYUSH KUMAR901000
ChemistryHIMANSHU PAPNAI781000
Data Science and Artificial IntelligenceAYYAGARI SATHYA SAI SRIKAR901000
Electronics and Communication EngineeringRAJA MAJHI84.671000
Electrical EngineeringMANOJ KUMAR SINHA771000
Electrical EngineeringSHIVAM771000
Electrical EngineeringSAI KIRAN ADELLY771000
Environmental Science and EngineeringGADDIPATI YASWANTH BABU77.33965
Ecology and EvolutionDHRUBOJYOTI PATRA81.671000
Geomatics EngineeringVAIBHAV SONKAR79.331000
Geology and Geophysics (Geology)JAYDEEP ROY82.331000
Geology and Geophysics (Geophysics)SHIVAM KUMAR RAI75.33999
Instrumentation EngineeringRISHABH GUPTA82.67984
MathematicsSUYASH SRIVASTAVA71.331000
Mechanical EngineeringSURAJ KUMAR SAMAL84.671000
Mining EngineeringANURAG KUMAR PATHAK58.33966
Metallurgical EngineeringHRUTIDIPAN PRADHAN81.67977
Naval Architecture and Marine EngineeringPRINCE KUMAR55.331000
Petroleum EngineeringSAURABH KUMAR80.67955
PhysicsANURAG SINGH78.331000
Production and Industrial EngineeringKUMAR VISHESH84.671000
Textile Engineering and Fibre ScienceMEENU MUNJAL721000
Engineering Sciences (Engineering Mathematics, Fluid Mechanics, Solid Mechanics)GHANSHYAM GIRISH DHAMAT83989
Humanities and Social Sciences (Economics)SRIJAN SHASHWAT70.33940
Humanities and Social Sciences (English)AJAY KUMAR831000
Humanities and Social Sciences (Linguistics)JESU NAZARENE ROY77.331000
Humanities and Social Sciences (Philosophy)UTKARSH RANA58.671000
Humanities and Social Sciences (Psychology)SRISHTI DATTA77.67975
Humanities and Social Sciences (Sociology)MOHAMMED SHEFIN M P631000
Life Sciences (Chemistry, Biochemistry, Zoology)SIDDHANT BHARDWAJ77.331000
GATE 2024 Toppers list

For more information on GATE 2024, visit the official website gate2024.iisc.ac.in.