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Study Materials for Class 11 English Core - Download PDF Free

Students of CBSE Class 11 can download free study materials at the official website of IE Education. All those appearing for the Class 11 Examination 2025 onwards must check the links given below for a complete set of free online material. For preparing CBSE Class 11 English literature, students must focus on the reading and writing practice. The language part of the paper includes comprehension, report writing and other questions based on grammar. Chapter wise NCERT textbooks - Hornbill and Snapshots can be downloaded from below. 

CBSE Class 11 English Sample papers can also be downloaded for a comprehensive practice of all the types of questions asked. The solutions to these papers are also available for free download. Students are also provided with free access to all the previous year question papers with well-explained answers. Additionally, solutions to all the NCERT questions are also provided to the students of CBSE Class 11 English.

Class 11th NCERT - English Core Book