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Study Materials for Class 11 Economics - Download PDF Free

IE Education provides free study materials for the students of CBSE Class 11. All those who have opted for the Commerce stream in Class 11 can download complete syllabus, NCERT Books, NCERT solutions, solved papers only at IE Education. Economics in CBSE Class 11 has two parts, Statistics and Microeconomics. For covering the entire Class 11 Economics syllabus, a comprehensive study plan is mandatory where students must practice all the statistical concepts and important questions on each of those concepts. The Microeconomics part also requires repeated practice of the concepts. Students must prepare a long term strategy for the exam prep of Class 11 Economics.

For detailed learning, the links for each chapter of the CBSE Class 11 Economics NCERT Textbook are given below separately. The solutions to all the NCERT questions are also given under the tab with the same name. Students can get free sample questions and their solutions only at the IE Education Website. For understanding the pattern of the examination and the types of questions asked in CBSE Class 11 Economics, students are also given access to all the previous year question papers. The step-wise solutions for these papers are also provided below.

Class 11th NCERT - Economics Book