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Study Materials for Class 9 Science - Download Free PDF

IE Education provides complete study material for the CBSE Class 9 Science Examination. The Science paper of the Class 9 consists of four units, namely, Matter - Nature and Behaviour; Organization in the Living World; Motion Force and Work; Improvement on Food Production. All the four units must be prepared thoroughly for the upcoming CBSE Class 9 Examination 2025. 

Students can download the detailed CBSE Class 9 Science syllabus from the official website of IE Education. Free Link for the chapter-wise NCERT Textbook and the solutions to their questions are also given below. For a well-planned practice of board exam questions, students can also download the sample papers and the previous year question paper from the links given below. Students can analyze the previous-year question papers and note the pattern of paper and the important topics for the examination. Constant practice of these topics are important for scoring good marks in the CBSE Class 9 examination.

Class 9th NCERT - Science Book
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