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Study Materials for Class 12 Geography - Download PDF Free

IE Education provides free study material for all the subjects of CBSE Class 12 Board Examination. Students preparing for the CBSE 12th Board Examination for year 2025 onwards can download free online material for Geography from the links given below. The complete syllabus for CBSE 12th Geography can be downloaded from the syllabus tab given below. The Geography syllabus has two books, ‘ Fundamentals of Human Geography’ and ‘India, People and Economy’. 

Students of Class 12 geography can download chapter-wise NCERT Textbooks for a detailed study. The solutions to all the NCERT questions are also available at IE Education. For understanding the pattern of the questions asked in the CBSE Board Examination, all the previous year question papers of CBSE Class 12 Geography are also available for free download. Students can also find step-wise solutions to all these previous year question papers. For further practice, students get free access to solved sample papers.

Class 12th NCERT - Geography Book