UPSC CMS Admit Card 2024: The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the admit card for UPSC CMS exam 2024 today. As per the official schedule, the UPSC CMS exam will be conducted on July 14, 2024. Candidates can download their hall tickets from the official website –
After downloading the UPSC CMS admit card, candidates are advised to check the information mentioned on it. UPSC CMS exam will be conducted in two shifts. Shift 1 will be conducted from 9:30 AM to 11:30 AM, while shift 2 will be held from 2 PM to 4 PM.
How to download UPSC CMS admit card 2024?
UPSC CMS hall tickets are available on the official website – Only the registered candidates will be allowed to download their admit cards online. Here is how to download the admit card for UPSC CMS examination:
Step 1: Visit the official website –

Step 2: Click on the “What’s New” section at the homepage
Step 3: Click on the link for UPSC CMS hall ticket 2024
Step 4: You will be redirected to a new page for UPSC CMS e-Admit Card
Step 5: Login using your registration number/roll number to download admit card
Step 6: Hall ticket will be displayed on your screens
Step 7: Read all the details mentioned on it carefully and download the PDF
NOTE: Candidates are required to print out a hard copy of their UPSC CMS admit card and carry it along with them on the day of examination.
Details mentioned on UPSC CMS hall ticket 2024
After downloading the UPSC CMS hall tickets, candidates are advised to check the information mentioned on it carefully. The following details are mentioned on the UPSC CMS admit card:
- Candidate’s name
- Gender
- Date of birth
- Candidate’s category
- Exam venue
- Exam date and time
- Reporting time
- Candidate’s roll number
- Candidate’s registration number
- Candidate’s photo
- Exam code
- Exam day guidelines
UPSC CMS Exam Day Guidelines 2024
On the day of examination, appearing candidates are required to follow the guidelines given below for UPSC CMS exam 2024.
- Reach the venue early: Candidates are advised to reach their examination venue about 1 hour before the exam commencement time. This will help in faster security check and settling down before the exam.
- Carry all the required documents: Remember to carry the hard copy of UPSC CMS admit card along with passport size photograph and government issued ID proof.
- Do not carry prohibited items: Candidates are not allowed to carry any kinds of electronic devices such as mobile phones, smart watches, calculators, bluetooth devices, earphones, etc. to the examination venue. Candidates are also not allowed to carry any kind of study material or notes. If found with any of these items, authorities can disqualify the candidate from the examination.
- Do not leave the examination hall early: Candidates are not allowed to leave the exam hall before the scheduled time. They are only allowed to leave the examination hall once the exam is concluded.