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TNPSC Group 2 Answer Key 2024 soon at tnpsc.gov.in; Check how to raise objections

TNPSC Group 2 Answer Key 2024 is expected to be released soon at the official website. Candidates who appeared for the prelims will be able to download the provisional answer key by visiting tnpsc.gov.in. TNPSC group 2 preliminary exam was held on September 14, 2024.

TNPSC Group 2 Prelims Answer Key Soon
TNPSC Group 2 Prelims Answer Key Soon at tnpsc.gov.in

TNPSC Group 2 Answer Key 2024: The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission releases the answer key for the TNPSC examination about 10 days after the conclusion of the exam. Candidates can expect the TNPSC group 2 answer key to be released soon at the official website – tnpsc.gov.in. The group 2 prelims was conducted on September 14, 2024. 

To download the answer key for the TNPSC group 2 exam, candidates are required to visit the official website and login using their credentials. Candidates must note that the initial answer key is provisional in nature. In case candidates are not satisfied with the answer key, they will be able to raise challenges against the questions online. 

How to download TNPSC group 2 answer key?

Candidates who appeared for the TNPSC group 2 examination will be able to download the provisional answer key PDF from the official website of the commission. Here is how to download the TNPSC answer key: 

Step 1: Visit the official website – tnpsc.gov.in

Indianexpress Education

Step 2: Navigate to the ‘Recruitments’ section on the home page and select ‘Question Papers’ tab from the drop down menu

Step 3: Now, click on the Objective Type Answer Keys link

Step 4: Look for TNPSC group 2 answer key link under the tentative column and click on it

Step 5: The TNPSC group 2 provisional answer key will be displayed on your screens

Once downloaded, candidates will be allowed to challenge the TNPSC answer key till seven days after the release. No objections will be entertained after the deadline is over. 

Guidelines for TNPSC Group 2 answer key challenge

Candidates who are not satisfied with the TNPSC group 2 answer key will be able to raise objections against it online. Once the provisional answer key is released, the authorities will also release details regarding the challenge window. Check guidelines for TNPSC answer key challenge provided below: 

TNPSC Group 2 answer key challenge guidelines
TNPSC Group 2 answer key challenge guidelines

TNPSC Group 2 Final Answer Key 2024

Once the challenge window for TNPSC group 2 answer key is closed, the commission will evaluate the challenges submitted by the candidates. Based on these objections, the commission will prepare a final answer key and TNPSC group 2 result. Candidates must note that no objections will be entertained on the final answer key. The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission is expected to release the result and final answer key from the official website soon after the objection window closes. Dates regarding the same will be released later at the official website. 

For more information about TNPSC group 2 answer key and result, visit the official website – tnpsc.gov.in.