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TS ICET 2024 Cut Off: Check previous year’s college wise & category wise TSICET cut off ranks

TS ICET Cut Off 2024 will be announced by participating universities soon. Students will be able to apply for the ICET counselling based on these category wise cut off ranks. TS ICET result was announced on June 14.

TS ICET Cut Off 2024
TS ICET Cut Off 2024; Check previous year's cut off ranks

TS ICET Cut Off 2024: Kakatiya University has announced the result for TS ICET exam on June 14, 2024. Based on the result, all the participating universities in TS ICET counselling will prepare and release their individual cut offs required for admission. Qualifying students will be able to apply online, once the portal is opened.

TS ICET counselling will begin online at the official website. Candidates can check previous years’ university wise cut off lists to estimate their admission preferences. This year, the TS ICET exam was held on June 5 and June 6, 2024.

TS ICET University Cut offs: Previous year’s category wise rank lists

TS ICET cut offs for individual colleges vary based on the performance of the candidates. Each participating college releases category wise ranks for admission. Check last year’s category wise and college wise cut off ranks in the section below. 

TS ICET cut off for general category

Check the cut off ranks for general category in last year’s TS ICET counselling rounds below:

 Exam Alert Plus
Course offeredCollege nameRank
MBACMR College of Engineering and Technology5935
MBAAurora’s Scientific and Tech Research Academy6776
MBAJNTU School of Management188
MBAChaitanya Bharati Institute of Technology665
MBABadruka College PG Centre Chaitanya Bharati Institute of Technology253
MCAChaitanya Bharati Institute of Technology3616
MCAJNTU College of Engineering748
TS ICET cut off for general category

TS ICET cut off for SC category

Check previous year’s SC category cut offs for TS ICET cut off ranks for various colleges below:

Course offeredCollege nameRank
MBACMR College of Engineering and Technology23171
MBAAurora’s Scientific and Tech Research Academy15943
MBAJNTU School of Management1573
MBAChaitanya Bharati Institute of Technology2761
MBABadruka College PG Centre Chaitanya Bharati Institute of Technology1598
MCAChaitanya Bharati Institute of Technology36455
MCAJNTU College of Engineering11320
TS ICET cut off for SC category

TS ICET cut off for ST category

TS ICET cut off for last year are provided below. Check college-wise ranks for ST category students. 

Course offeredCollege nameRank
MBACMR College of Engineering and Technology49504
MBAAurora’s Scientific and Tech Research Academy28668
MBAJNTU School of Management1833
MBAChaitanya Bharati Institute of Technology6253
MBABadruka College PG Centre Chaitanya Bharati Institute of Technology3220
MCAChaitanya Bharati Institute of Technology37282
MCAJNTU College of Engineering2113
TS ICET cut off for ST category

TS ICET Qualifying Score 2024

In order to pass in the TS ICET exam 2024, candidates are required to score the minimum qualifying marks given below: 

CategoryMinimum score
General and OBC categories25% score (50 marks out of 200)
SC and ST categoriesNo minimum score required to pass
TS ICET Qualifying Score 2024

For more information about the TS ICET result 2024, candidates can visit the official website.