ICSI CSEET Admit Card 2024: The Institute of Company Secretaries of India has released the admit card for ICSI CSEET November exam today at icsi.edu. Candidates can now download their admit card from the official website by entering their login credentials including registration number and date of birth.
Candidates have to keep their ICSI admit card along with them during the examination. The ICSI CSEET examination will be conducted in Remote Proctored mode. As per the schedule, the exam is scheduled to be held on November 9, 2024 (Saturday).
ICSI CSEET Admit Card 2024 Website
The admit card for ICSI CSEET exam has been made available on the official website, icsi.edu. Check image of the official website below:

How to download ICSI CSEET Admit Card 2024?
For the upcoming CSEET November exam, candidates can download their ICSI hall tickets from the official website by following the instructions given below:

Step 1: Visit the official website of ICSI, icsi.edu
Step 2: Click on the link that reads ‘download CSEET admit card’
Step 3: Now, enter the 17-digit registration number and submit
Step 4: The CSEET November admit card will be displayed on your screens
Step 5: Check information mentioned on the admit card and download the file
NOTE: Download the admit card and keep a hard copy of the same for future use.
ICSI CSEET 2024 Exam Day Guidelines
The Institute of Company Secretaries of India has issued general exam day instructions for CSEET November exam on the official website. Candidates appearing for the examination are advised to check these guidelines carefully.
- Candidates are allowed to appear in the test using their own Desktop/Laptop. No other devices such as mobile phones, tablets, etc. are allowed.
- Appearing candidates are required to download safe exam browser SEBLite at their Laptop or Desktop as per the link provided to them.
- Candidates will be continuously monitored throughout the exam duration via video/audio mode.
- Candidates are required to keep the following documents ready during their exam:
- Admit Card
- Identity Card issued by Govt. Departments such as Passport, Driving Licence, PAN Card, UID Aadhaar Card, Voter Card
For more information about ICSI CSEET exam 2024, candidates can visit the official website, icsi.edu.