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IBPS PO Mains 2023: Check cut off trend for the last 4 years

IBPS PO Mains exam 2023 is scheduled for November 5, 2023. The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has successfully released the IBPS PO Prelims 2023 result on its official website. Candidates can check the past IBPS PO Mains cut off 2023 below.

IBPS PO Mains Cut off 2023
IBPS PO Mains Cutoff 2023: Previous four years

IBPS PO Mains 2023: The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) recently announced the results for the IBPS PO Prelims 2023 on its official website. Candidates who took the preliminary test are now eligible for the IBPS PO Mains 2023. Students can check their prelims results using their registration number, password, and captcha code.

A total of 3049 vacancies will be filled in 11 participating banks through the IBPS PO exam 2023. Students who clear the Mains examination will be called for the IBPS PO interview round. The IBPS PO Mains exam has witnessed a mixed trend in cut-offs. Last year, the cut-off for the IBPS PO Mains 2022 for general category students was 71.25. The cut-off depends on several factors such as the total number of students who appeared for the examination, the total number of vacancies announced, and the difficulty level of the exam.

IBPS PO Mains Cut off: Previous year cut off trend

The IBPS PO Mains exam 2023 is scheduled to be conducted on November 5, 2023. Candidates who will appear for the mains examination can check the cut-off trend from past years to get an idea of the expected cut-off. Knowing the trend of previous year cut-offs will also allow candidates to understand the preparation gap needed to score at least the minimum cut-off marks.

IBPS PO Mains Cut off 2022

CategoryCut off
Hearing Impaired (HI)37.75
Orthopaedically Challenged (OC)50.50
Visually Impaired (VI)66.25
Intellectual Disability (ID) 36

IBPS PO Mains Cut off 2021

Intellectual Disability (ID) 46.00
Visually Impaired (VI)77.75
Orthopaedically Challenged (OC)62.50
Hearing Impaired (HI)42.50

IBPS PO Mains Cut off 2020

Intellectual Disability (ID) 53.00
Visually Impaired (VI)84.88
Orthopaedically Challenged (OC)61.25
Hearing Impaired (HI)38.25

IBPS PO Mains Cut off 2019

Intellectual Disability (ID) 45.88
Visually Impaired (VI)70.50
Orthopaedically Challenged (OC)46.13
Hearing Impaired (HI)41

IBPS PO Mains Exam Pattern 2023

IBPS PO Mains exam is set to take place on November 5, 2023. The admit card for the same will be issued in the last week of October 2023. Candidates can check the exam pattern for the mains examination below:

 Exam Alert Plus
English Language403540 Minutes
Data Analysis and Interpretation603545 Minutes
General Awareness Related to Economy and Banking404035 Minutes
Reasoning and Computer Aptitude604560 Minutes
Total2001553 Hours

Note: There will also be a descriptive test, which will include 2 topics: a letter and an essay. Candidates will have 30 minutes to write 1 letter and 1 essay. The descriptive test of IBPS PO Mains will carry 25 marks.