AEEE Admit Card 2024: Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Coimbatore will release the admit card for AEEE exam 2024 a few days before the examination. The expected release date for the AEEE admit card is January 12, 2024. However, there is no official confirmation regarding the announcement of AEEE admit card 2024 on the Amrita University’s website. It is advisable for the candidates to keep visiting the official website for more updates.
The AEEE exam phase 1 is scheduled to take place from January 16 to January 22, 2024. The examination is designed for students seeking admission to engineering programs at Amrita University. The AEEE admit card is an important document required to enter the examination venue. Once released, candidates will be able to download their hall tickets from the official website.
AEEE Admit Card 2024: Steps to download
The AEEE admit card can be downloaded from the official website for Amrita University. Here are the easy steps to download the hall ticket:
Step 1: Visit the official website,

Step 2: Click on the admit card link on the page
Step 3: Login using the application number and date of birth
Step 4: The admit card will be displayed on your screen
Step 5: Check all the details and download the admit card
In case of any kind of error or discrepancy, please contact the authorities at Amrita University.
AEEE Admit Card 2024: Details mentioned
Candidates are advised to check all the details mentioned on their AEEE admit card after downloading. Here is the list of information available on the admit card:
- Candidate’s name
- Candidate’s photograph
- Date of birth
- Registration number
- Examination date
- Examination time
- Exam centre address
- Personal details such as contact number, city, etc.
- General instructions for exam day
For more information about AEEE exam 2024, candidates can visit