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OPSC PGT Recruitment 2024 started at opsc.gov.in; Registration for 1375 vacancies open till March 2

The registration for OPSC PGT recruitment 2024 is open for 1375 vacancies at opsc.gov.in. Interested candidates can register themselves at the official website. They can also check the division of vacancies according to the reservation criteria.

Banking exams 2024: A comprehensive list of upcoming exams.
Check a comprehensive list of upcoming Banking exams in 2024. For more details, please visit the official website.

OPSC PGT Recruitment 2024: The Odisha Public Service Commission (OPSC) has started the registration process for Post Graduate Teacher (PGT) recruitment. Candidates who have qualified in the OPSC exam are eligible to apply for the PGT recruitment drive. They can do so by visiting the official website, opsc.gov.in. The last date to apply is March 2, 2024. 

For the OPSC PGT recruitment process, the authorities have announced 1375 vacancies for candidates. Applicants are required to pass the OPSC eligibility criteria set up by the commission. The maximum age limit for the applicants is 45 years, and the minimum age is 21 years. 

OPSC PGT Recruitment 2024: How to Apply

Here is how candidates can apply for OPSC PGT recruitment 2024:

Step 1: Visit the official website, opsc.gov.in

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Step 2: Click on the registration link on the home page

Step 3: Register using all the required information by the page

Step 4: Login using the registered credentials

Step 5: Fill the application form for recruitment drive

Step 6: Pay the application fee and submit the form

OPSC PGT Recruitment 2024: Total Vacancies

OPSC has announced vacancies for 1375 posts. These vacancies are further classified according to reserved categories of candidates. Here is the vacancy break up for OPSC PGT recruitment 2024:

Category of CandidatesNumber of Vacancies
OPSC PGT Vacancies 2024

Other than the 1375 vacancies, there are 53 posts reserved for PwD candidates. As per the official notification, there are 41 posts reserved for Ex-servicemen and 14 posts reserved for sports persons

OPSC Age Relaxation for Reserved Categories

OPSC has also prescribed age relaxation for different categories of candidates, apart from the seat reservations.

  • The upper age limit for women candidates, SC/ST candidates, socially backward classes, and Ex-servicemen is relaxable by 5 years
  • The upper age limit for persons with disabilities (whose permanent disability is 40% or more) is relaxable by 10 years
  • SC/ST/OBC candidates belonging to PwD category are allowed age relaxation of 15 years. 

No other categories apart from the above mentioned ones are allowed age relaxation for OPSC PGT recruitment process. 

For more information regarding OPSC PGT recruitment process, please visit opsc.gov.in.