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JEE Advanced Exam 2024 on May 26: Check preparation tips for physics, chemistry, and mathematics

JEE Advanced Preparation 2024: JEE advanced exam 2024 will be held on May 26. Students can check the last minute preparation strategies provided in the article below.

JEE Advanced 2024 Preparation Tips
JEE Advanced 2024 Last Minute Preparation Tips

JEE Advanced 2024 Preparation Tips: The Indian Institute of Technology, Madras is going to conduct the JEE Advanced exam 2024 on May 26. Students who are appearing for the exam can download their JEE advanced admit cards from the official website – jeeadv.ac.in. The admit card was released online on May 17, 2024. As per the schedule, the result for the exam is going to be announced on June 9, 2024.

To be able to get a good score in JEE advanced result 2024, students must follow a detailed preparation strategy. With just a week left in the examination, here are some of the last minute JEE advanced preparation tips for the appearing students. 

JEE Advanced 2024: Subject wise preparation tips

Check out the high weightage chapters, preparation tips, and recommended last minute strategy for each subject in the JEE advanced exam 2024 below. 

JEE Advanced Physics Preparation

To prepare well for physics topics in the JEE advanced exam, students should remember all the chapters with high weightage. Some of the topics with the highest weightage are given below: 

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Paper I:

High weightage topicsImportant chapters
ElectrodynamicsElectromagnetic induction
Current electricity
Electromagnetic field
MechanicsUnit and dimension
Elasticity and viscosity 
Circular motion
Rigid body dynamic
OpticsWave optics
Geometrical optics
Physical optics
JEE Advanced Physics High Weightage Chapters

Paper II: 

Students can check the important chapter for physics paper II in the JEE advanced exam below: 

  • Electromagnetic induction
  • Thermodynamics
  • Fluid mechanics
  • Optics
  • Modern physics
  • Rotational dynamics
  • Magnetism

General tips:

  1. Make sure you practise at least 2 to 3 questions from each topic in the physics syllabus. 
  2. Revise all the important formulas and clear the concepts to implement them well in the questions. 
  3. Electromagnetic induction is one of the most important topics in physics. Therefore, students should remember to revise it well. 
  4. However, students should keep a balance between high weightage and low weightage chapters. Do not let go of chapters with less weightage as they will also help you score marks. 
  5. Remember to focus on your understanding of one topic at a time instead of trying to solve multiple problems together

JEE Advanced Chemistry Preparation

Given below are the chemistry topics with high weightage and general last minute preparation tips for the subject. 

Paper I:

TopicsImportant chapters
Organic ChemistryP-block elements
Chemical bonding
Qualitative analysis
Inorganic ChemistryAmines
Aromatic compounds
Physical ChemistryMole concept
Chemical kinetics
Chemical equilibrium
JEE Advanced Chemistry High weightage chapters

Paper II: 

  • Atomic structure
  • Aldehydes, Ketone, and Carboxylic acids
  • Hydrocarbons
  • Organic chemistry
  • Organic compounds containing nitrogen
  • Alcohols, phenols, and ethers

General tips:

  1. To prepare well for chemistry, students should remember all the chemical reactions and formulae on their fingertips. 
  2. Write down all the important formulas on a sheet of paper and use it for last minute revision.
  3. Understanding how each chemical reaction works is very important for chemistry preparation. Students should focus on these concepts to avoid confusion.
  4. Practise the NCERT book thoroughly as it contains the major topics in the most simplified manner. 

JEE Advanced Mathematics Preparation

While preparing for the mathematics syllabus, students should remember that practice is the key. Therefore, each topic in the subject should be given thorough attention. Here are the paper wise important topics in the JEE Advanced syllabus for mathematics. 

Paper I:

  • Differential and integral calculus
  • Coordinate geometry
  • Matrices
  • Vector and 3D geometry
  • Trigonometry
  • Probability

Paper II:

  • Application of derivatives
  • Matrices
  • Parabola
  • Definite integral
  • Circles
  • Hyperbola
  • Complex numbers

General tips:

  1. Practice questions as much as you can. Take help from mathematics NCERT books and previous years’ JEE advanced question papers.
  2. Once you learn a formula, try to solve multiple problems with the same concept for better understanding. 
  3. The best way to prepare for mathematics is to solve as many mock test papers as possible. 
  4. Remember to memorise all the important formulas and equations a few days before the exam.

What do JEE Advanced toppers say?

While the academic part of preparation is important, students must remember to keep themselves mentally strong before their JEE advanced exam. According to the tips shared by the JEE advanced toppers, here are some of the important things to remember:

  1. Be confident: While studying for a competitive exam like JEE advanced, students often tend to doubt their skills and abilities. It is important for each student to not lose their confidence while preparing. This can be done by solving easy questions at first, and then moving on to the tricky ones. This way, students will gain confidence about solving one problem at a time. 
  2. Make notes: With only one week left, students are advised to revise everything they have studied till now and make notes of every important concept including formulas, equations, theorems, etc. This will help them memorise the concepts right before the exam. 
  3. Work on silly mistakes: Studying complex topics can often divert a student from focusing on smaller things. This is why toppers advise students to utilise the final days in rectifying their silly mistakes. If a student notices a pattern of silly mistakes while solving a problem, they must make a note of it and practise more such questions in order to clarify their concept. 
  4. Meditate and relax: Students must remember to not take extra pressure. A good way to relieve stress is meditation and simple activities such as walking, running, or playing a sport. It is highly recommended that students indulge in such activities to avoid exam anxiety.