JAC 10th Result 2024: Jharkhand Class 10 Result Date

Jharkhand Board Class 10th Result 2024 has been released on April 19. Students can check their scores at jacresults.com.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can I check my JAC 10th result 2024?

You can check your JAC 10th result by visiting the official JAC website and entering your roll number. The result link is typically available on the homepage during result declaration time.

What information is available in the JAC 10th result 2024?

The JAC 10th result typically includes details such as your name, roll number, subject-wise marks obtained, total marks, and the result status (pass/fail).

How can I get my original mark sheet after checking the result online?

After checking the result online, you will need to collect your original mark sheet and other related documents from your school. The school usually provides these documents a few weeks after the online result declaration.

What is a compartment exam, and how can I apply for it?

A compartment exam is an opportunity for students who didn't pass in one or more subjects. Details about the compartment exam, including the application process, will be announced on the official JAC website.

How can I stay updated about the JAC 10th result announcements?

To stay updated about JAC 10th result announcements, regularly visit the official JAC website and keep an eye on notifications from your school.

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