Why is IIT Bombay the first choice for JEE Advanced toppers?
Nov 16, 2023
Navya Singh
IIT Bombay has emerged as the first choice among JEE Advanced toppers for the past few years. Since 2018, over 40 students among the top 50 rankers have preferred IIT Bombay every year.
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Moreover, since 2018, more than 57 students out of the top 100 JEE Advanced rankers have chosen IIT Bombay.
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Placements at IIT BombayIIT Bombay is well-known for its successful placement seasons and lucrative job offers.
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In the recent placement season of IIT Bombay, almost 400 recruiters offered over 1500 jobs to the students in the first phase.
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Average Salary at IIT Bombay PlacementsIn the past five years, IIT Bombay's average placement salary has shown a steady increase.
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In 2022, at least 25 students received packages of over Rs 1 crore at the IIT Bombay placements.
Photo: Freepik
Know more about IIT Bombay admission, courses, fees, ranking & placement.