JEE Mains 2024: Subject-wise last minute tips

Dec 26, 2023


Lined Circle

The much-anticipated JEE Main is scheduled to commence on January 24, 2024, and will continue until February 1, 2024. With just a month remaining for the test, candidates should commit to a structured study plan.

Important topics: Mathematics

Trigonometry:  equations, identities, formulae, and triangle solutions Calculus:  differentiation and integration

Algebra: quadratic equations, series and progressions, binomial theorem, complex numbers, and permutations and combinations

3D Geometry and Vectors: The distance between two points, section formula, coplanar lines, angle between two intersecting lines, and direction ratios


Coordinate Geometry: 2D geometry, straight lines, circles, parabola, hyperbola, and ellipse

Important topics: Physics

Thermodynamics Oscillations and Waves: Periodic motion, simple harmonic motion, kinetic energy and potential energy

Oscillations and Waves: A simple pendulum, wave motion, displacement, reflection of waves, beats, and the Doppler effect in sound

Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents: Faraday’s law, Lenz’s law, alternating currents, and RMS values


Wave Optics: Laws of reflection and refraction under Huygen’s principle are important topics to cover

Physical Chemistry: Redox reactions, state of matter, solutions, chemical thermodynamics, structure of atoms, and nuclear chemistry


Organic Chemistry: Biomolecules and polymers, basic principles of organic chemistry, and ozonolysis Inorganic Chemistry: Coordination compounds, isolation of metals, environmental chemistry, hydrogen, and metallurgy

Bonus tips:

– Take as many mock exams and previous years’ test papers – Don’t spend too much time on a problem you are unable to solve – Prepare a timetable and follow the schedule regularly – Follow a balanced diet and set a sleep schedule.


For more such updates on JEE Main exam 2024, please follow the link below