March 20, 2025

By Nandini Tyagi

Admission through Olympiad
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Top IITs, technical institutes accepting Olympiad scores 

Mar 20, 2025


IIT Madras has launched ‘Science Olympiad Excellence’ (ScOpE) admissions for students excelling in National and International Olympiads in subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Informatics, and Biology

IIT Madras 

Photo : IIT Madras

IIT Kanpur admits exceptionally talented students who have excelled in International Olympiads to its BTech and BS programs based on their performance in subjects like Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, and Informatics 

IIT Kanpur 

Photo : IIT Kanpur

IIT Bombay considers students who have excelled in the Indian National Mathematical Olympiad (INMO) for direct admissions. INMO awardees are eligible for direct admission to the BS in Mathematics program

IIT Bombay


IIT Gandhinagar admits students selected to Olympiad training camps. Students who have received medals in International Olympiads for Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Informatics can apply for BTech and BTech-MTech programmes

IIT Gandhinagar

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IIIT Hyderabad offers an alternative admission to undergraduate and dual degree programmes for students who have been selected for the Olympiads at the national level  

IIIT Hyderabad

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CMI offers direct admissions to BSc programs through Olympiads. Students with exceptionally good performance in the National Olympiads in Mathematics, Physics and Informatics are exempted from writing the BSc entrance examination

Chennai Mathematical Institute (CMI)

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person using laptop


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