Pariksha Pe Charcha 2024: Top quotes by PM Narendra Modi

Jan 29, 2024


The seventh edition of Pariksha pe Charcha (PPC) was conducted today, January 29, 2024.  Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacted with students, teachers and parents on the upcoming board exams and issues students’ face during exams.

Here is a gist of the interaction and key points vocalized by PM Narendra Modi during the session. 


PM Modi mentioned that students must make themselves strong enough to handle any kind of pressure. One should not cry and give up, but instead make oneself ready to bear it all

On Ways to handle pressure

PM Modi stated that if there are no challenges and competition in life then life will become dull. The competition should however be a healthy one

On academic competition

PM Modi urged parents to not compare their children to friends or siblings as it can bring an unhealthy competition and drive them away from each other in the long run. He suggested this as a way of preventing jealousy amongst peers from the same age groups.

On comparison by Parents

Prime Minister Narendra Modi asked the students to consider their friends' good marks and achievements as an inspiration for themselves. A friend’s achievements should not lead to unhealthy competition.

Consider friends' achievements as inspirations

While talking about ways to motivate students, PM Modi stated that the role of the teachers is not just to do their jobs, but also to make a successful career for their pupils, and create an unbreakable bond with them

On the teacher's role in motivating students

PM Modi advised students that it is important to stay happy, and crack jokes before the start of exams.

On handling stress

PM Modi recommended students to practice writing on a daily basis. Students can take one topic and write on that, and then correct their own writing. This exercise will help students to correct their mistakes and will also help them to strategize in the right manner

On cultivating a writing habit

PM Narendra Modi advised students to make it a habit to sit in sunlight every day for a few hours. “The sunlight plays an important role in recharging your body, so make it a habit to spend some time outdoors in the sun, even if you sit outdoors in the sunlight with a book”, the Prime Minister  said.

On taking care of physical and mental health during exams

The Prime Minister stated that confusion and indecisiveness is one of the biggest problems that a student can build for himself/herself

On overcoming remarks made by other people


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