Mastering Board Exams with RAG Rating

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Feb 27, 2024


Mrs. Nandini Ghatak, the Principal of Modern High School International in Kolkata, addresses the stress and pressure surrounding board examinations. She has outlined some excellent and well researched strategies.

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Students should create a comprehensive study schedule using templates and include all syllabus topics and subtopics.

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Students must understand command terms and question paper patterns to write appropriate responses. Teachers must help students understand command terms and practice with past papers, providing effective feedback.

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Students can use visual aids, mnemonics, the Feynman technique, and the Pomodoro technique to enhance learning and focus.

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Pomodoro Technique: A time management method that involves breaking work into intervals, typically 25 minutes each (called "pomodoros"), separated by short breaks, to improve focus and productivity

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Feynman Technique: A method involving simplifying complex concepts to enhance understanding, often by explaining them as if teaching to a 12-year-old.

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Mnemonics: Memory aids such as acronyms, songs, or rhymes used to remember large chunks of information more easily.

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Students should practice breathing exercises which will help them to stay focused during exams.

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During the exams if students feels stuck at a difficult question they should move to an another question. Also they must not overthink about their exam results and undermine their worth

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RAG is a method used by students to assess their level of preparedness for exams. RAG stands for Red, Amber, and Green, which are color-coded indicators representing different stages of readiness.

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