CBSE 12th Board Exam 2024: Avoid last minute hassle and complete your English exam in time

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Feb 08, 2024


CBSE 12th Board Exam for English will be conducted on February 22, 2024. Take a look at the tricks that can help you complete your English Board Examination in time.

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Stick to time Limits

Allocate specific time limits for each section based on its weightage and difficulty level. Stick to these time limits to ensure you complete the paper on time.

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Understand the Marking Scheme

Read instructions provided on the question paper to understand the marking scheme, word limits, and any special directions for answering questions.

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Plan your Answers

Outline your responses for long-answer questions quickly to organize your thoughts and cover all key points within the allotted time.

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Complete Easy questions first

Begin with the sections you find easiest to tackle. This saves time for challenging sections later

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Follow the sequence

Answer questions as per the sequence in the question paper. This prevents confusion and ensures you don't miss any questions.

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Review Your Answer

Once the paper is completed, use remaining time to review your answers. Check for errors and make any necessary corrections.

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CBSE 12th Question Papers 2024